Cobalt statement on Cory Gardner’s SCOTUS flip flop

For Immediate Release:
September 21, 2020
For More Information:
Karen Middleton, President
Laura K Chapin
Communications Consultant, Cobalt
Denver – Cobalt President Karen Middleton tonight issued the following statement after Sen Cory Gardner flip-flopped on his 2016 declaration that Supreme Court nominees should not be confirmed during an election year. As Gardner put it himself in February 2016, “I think we’re too close to the election. The president who is elected in November should be the one who makes this decision.”
“As a reproductive rights organization, we will say Sen Gardner has one consistency: ignoring Coloradans and doing what Mitch McConnell & Donald Trump tell him to do.
Cory Gardner continues to ignore the wishes of Coloradans on abortion rights and not surprisingly goes back on his word about Supreme Court confirmations from 2016. He ignored Coloradans in 2018 when he voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh after one of his own constituents came forward with credible allegations of sexual assault.
And now both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh have voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, which more than 70% of Coloradans support. Trump has vowed to only nominate Supreme Court Justices who will overturn Roe.
We intend to remind our more than 70,000 members of that fact from now until election day. Ballots drop in 17 days.”
Cobalt is a grassroots, statewide Colorado organization that advances abortion access and reproductive rights. Our organization began in 1967 when Colorado became the first state to allow safe, legal abortion. Cobalt believes nothing should stand between you and your health decisions, which is why we are dedicated to fighting for systems, structures and policies that protect reproductive rights and guarantee comprehensive, universal access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion.