Find A Clinic
Cobalt Abortion Fund Partner Clinics
Here is a list of providers that we have an established working relationship with. Clinics shown on the map reflect those in Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Nevada. Please make an appointment with one of the clinics below. Once you have made an appointment, fill out this form to get in contact with our team. If there is a clinic in your area not on this list, please contact us for further assistance.
Please note some of these clinics may have telehealth options available. Please inquire with the clinic for more information
Boulder Valley Health Center
303-442-5160 -
Comprehensive Women’s Health
303-724-8576 -
Healthy Futures Colorado
303-991-7700 -
Partners in Women’s Health
303-399-3315 -
Peak Wellness and Gynecology
970-274-1102 -
Rocky Mountain Family Practice
Telehealth Clinics
These clinics only have telehealth appointments available. Cobalt partners with telehealth clinics for folks accessing abortion care in Colorado.
Please note some of these clinics may have telehealth options available. Please inquire with the clinic for more information
Wellspring Health Access
New Mexico
Please note some of these clinics may have telehealth options available. Please inquire with the clinic for more information
Alamo Women’s Clinic
505-494-5700 -
Southwestern Women’s Options
Abortion Care Beyond 26 Weeks
For clients in our region (CO, NM, WY, and TX) seeking care beyond 26 weeks, Cobalt Abortion Fund partners with these clinics on the East Coast.
DuPont Clinic
202-844-2004 -
Partners in Abortion Care
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains
Colorado, New Mexico, Las Vegas
Please note some of these clinics may have Telehealth options available. Please inquire with the clinic for more information.
Planned Parenthood – Arvada Health Center
303-425-6624 -
Planned Parenthood – Aurora
303-671-7526 -
Planned Parenthood – Boulder
303-447-1040 -
Planned Parenthood – Colorado Springs
719-475-7162 -
Planned Parenthood – East Flamingo
702-547-9888 -
Planned Parenthood – Fort Collins
970-493-0281 -
Planned Parenthood – Glenwood Springs
970-945-8631 -
Planned Parenthood – Greeley
970-352-4762 -
Planned Parenthood – Littleton
303-798-0963 -
Planned Parenthood – Park Hill
303-321-2458 -
Planned Parenthood – Las Cruces Health Center
575-386-5204 -
Planned Parenthood – Las Vegas West Charleston
702-878-7776 -
Planned Parenthood – Northeast Heights of Albuquerque, NM
505-294-1577 -
Planned Parenthood – Salida Health Center
719-539-7291 -
Planned Parenthood – San Mateo Health Center
505-265-9511 -
Planned Parenthood – Santa Fe Health Center