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Intake Form - English

Patient Contact Information

The name they go by if different than the name provided above.
We use your date of birth to make travel arrangements and confirm your appointment with the clinic.
Name of Representative
Name of Representative
The Cobalt Abortion Fund intake team will send emails with status updates from a no-reply email address to the email provided. If you are unable to receive emails due to a safety concern, please do not submit this intake form and reach out to the clinic you are scheduled at for further assistance.
Preferred Contact Method
Cobalt Abortion Fund primarily uses a phone-based intake system for funding. If phone calls are not a safe option for you, please make note of that when submitting this form and we will email you instead. If phone calls, texts, and emails are all unsafe options for your situation, please do not submit this intake form and reach out to the clinic you are scheduled at for further assistance.
Is it safe to call?
Can we leave a voicemail?

Patient Situation

Answering these questions to the best of your ability can help us respond more quickly to your request.

City where you live
State where you live
Numbers only, please.

If you have not yet scheduled an appointment, you can visit our services page for providers in your area.

Which of our partner clinics do you have an appointment with? If the clinic is not listed here, select, "Other."
Numbers only, please.
What kind of support do you need?
Procedural support refers to the cost of the abortion procedure itself. Practical support means you need help with things like lodging, food, and transportation. If you need help with both, then select both options.
Please provide more information about your situation and the kind of support you need.

Our Fund

Our abortion fund is 100% donor funded and the only independent fund of its kind in the state of Colorado. If you would like to make sure no person experiences a financial burden when it comes to abortion,

Please consider a gift to the the Cobalt Abortion Fund.